Core Curriculum
Teachers at Lloyd Street School work very hard to identify and respond to the learning needs of all students. Teaching teams work closely together in monitoring student progress and differentiating the curriculum so that students are both challenged and supported in their learning, across all areas of the curriculum.
Teachers respond to the learning needs of their students by differentiating what the students learn, how they might go about learning it, and what they produce as a result of their learning.
In differentiating the curriculum teachers consider a student’s readiness, interests and capabilities. As a consequence, students often work in a variety of small groups with children of similar needs or interests.
The teaching team at Lloyd Street plan all aspects of the curriculum together to ensure high levels of consistency and continuity across the school. Collaborative planning and the sharing of knowledge and expertise supports the ongoing professional learning and performance of all our teachers.
At Lloyd Street School, Mathematics is taught using a balance between inquiry learning and explicit instruction. The learning is focused on building key mathematical concepts and understandings.
The Mathematics programme is characterised by:
- a minimum of 5 sessions weekly dedicated Mathematics instruction
- developing students understanding about what they are learning, why and how it will be applied
- explicit instruction in relation to essential knowledge, skills and strategies
- learning tasks that are purposeful, authentic and linked to real-life problem solving
- students learning in flexible & fluid groups based on their needs
- learning tasks that are engaging and open-ended and enable different possibilities, strategies and products to emerge
- ongoing monitoring and assessment which informs future teaching
- linking Mathematics learning authentically to the Programme of Inquiry
English is also taught using a balance between inquiry learning and explicit instruction.
The English Programme is characterised by:
- sustained instruction for two sessions per day – ensuring students learn to listen, view, read, write and speak for varied purposes
- the teaching of a variety of comprehension strategies which support students to understand increasingly sophisticated multi-modal texts
- explicit instruction in relation to writing for a range of purposes, using a variety of genre
- explicit instruction in relation to spelling and grammar and punctuation
- students learning in small groups, on tasks chosen to meet their particular needs and interests
- ongoing monitoring and assessment which informs future teaching
- learning tasks that are purposeful and engaging
- linking English learning authentically to the Programme of Inquiry.
Lloyd Street has implemented a designated device program from years 4 to 6 to support high quality teaching and learning.
Students in year 5 in 2024 do not need to purchase a new laptop for year 6 in 2025. The current arrangements will remain in place for year 5 students, with a payment request to cover the laptop use and all technical support as part of the 2025 parent contributions. Other levels will need to follow the new process via the LWT portal.
The program provides students and families with a:
Designated device for an extra year of school use at almost the same cost using a different payment structure
Device with all hard ware software warranty etc for $770 as one off payment, layby, or 6/ 12 month payment plan
Extension of the existing designated device program for yr 5 and 6 to include a device for year 4 students
Easily accessible platform to purchase the device via the LWT portal at
Greater personalised learning program with increased student ownership, confidence, and improved outcomes
more effective link to the IB and PYP networks across the globe
Innovative and structured Cyber Safety program that supports safe and responsible technology use
Stronger connection to learning at home and school through use of Google Suite
Donation option at end of 3 years to allow other families needing support access to a device
Authentic collaboration, innovation, creation and publication tools well beyond the traditional classroom
personalised and continually growing bank of high quality educational content for targeted student learning
focus on skills for future learning including independent and responsible technology use
1:1 access to learning and assessment tools i.e. Google classroom, Essential Assessment
Increased focus on digital literacy in research, coding, content, data creation and organisation
The school acknowledges the change in financial structure for these devices may be significant. We have payment options to minimise the impact and the option of 2nd hand school devices for loan.
Access more information on the program via the presentation here
Access the Learning With Technology (LWT) pamphlet here
Access the FAQ page here