LSS Centenary
See the Centenary section on this website and our socials for more details.
The Foundation students were very excited to meet their Year 5 buddies last week. The Buddy Program is eagerly anticipated by both our newest students and our Year 5's who thrive on the opportunity to make a new friend, who they can care for and support with the transition to primary school. The buddies meet regularly to complete structured activities or enjoy a picnic lunch. The purpose of these interactions is to ensure that the Foundation students feel safe and happy in the school grounds and confident to approach the older students. The program also has the added bonus of seeing the older students at their nurturing best!
Open Afternoon - Meet the Teachers
This year we replaced the more traditional information night for parents and carers with information videos, which parents could watch when convenient for them, and a open afternoon/meet the teacher event. The students were very proud to introduce their families to their classroom and specialist teachers as well as to provide a tour of the learning spaces where they spend their days. The staff team at Lloyd Street is so happy to have our community back on site, with the energy the parents and carers bring sadly missed last year.
It was wonderful to kick off the social calendar with around one hundred and fifty parents gathering to celebrate the start of the new school year. A fantastic, Covidsafe, event!